Guidelines for Obtaining a Freight Rate

Download Guidelines for Obtaining a Freight Rate

Conversion Tables PDF and Visual Aid PDF

The flow:

  1. Select any origin and destination
  2. Select mode of transportation
  3. Select commodity
  4. Enter weight and measurements
  5. Select service type

The freight rate is rendered for either weight or measure (dimensional weight) in metric tons or kilos for air freight. The freight charges apply to either weight or measure whichever is greatest. The international agreed weight or measure for different modes of transportation applies as follows:.

Example—Ocean cargo.

A cargo weight is 3 metric tons and it measures 150x150x150 centimeters which equals 3.375 cubic meters of dimensional weight. If the rate per ton is $30 the charge is applied to (30 x 3.375) =$101.25, because the volume is larger than the weight.

Example—Air cargo.

A cargo weight is 1 kilo and it measures 15x15x15 centimeters=3.375 kilos. If the rate per kilo is $10 the charge is applied to 3.375 kilos (10 x 3.375) =$33.75 because volume is larger than weight.

Example—Ground rail.

A cargo weight is 3 metric tons and it measures 14.5x14.5x14.5 centimeters=3.048 cubic meters of dimensional weight. In this case carries apply a road haulage allowance equal to 3 cubic meters per metric ton, so, if the rate is $50 per metric ton plus .04 cents per mile a 1000 mile haul equals (50x3)+(1000x.04)=150+40 or $190 because volume equals weight by the RHA volume allowance. For loaded and empty TOFC and COFC rates are provided in the service type menu.

Example—Ground Truck. DITTO as above

If the cargo is going to be hauled inside a container the rate per ton applies to any size container, however there are floor—weight limitations for each container type. To view container specifications and conversion tables click on the link Weight, Volume, and Linear Measure conversion tables

Intermodal Transportation.

This is a combination of modes transportation and types of services wanted which are assessed with the methodology previously described.